Coach, Therapist, Friend: What's the difference?

Therapy is about dealing with the past or current events to work through them and move past them. 

Coaching is dealing with the future- what goals to you want to achieve and what is blocking you from getting them. 

A friend can sometimes play the role of coach or therapist for you, but they are someone you share your day to day life with. 


So what is a coach?

A coach is a person who works with you to help you see your blind spots. A coach's main job to listen and pick up on the underlying thoughts, attitudes and beliefs that are informing your worldview. For most people our thoughts go against our desires so we end up feeling stuck unable to get what we want no matter how hard we try. A coach forces you to examine your thoughts and beliefs, challenge them, and change them. Once your mindset has aligned with your desires it is much easier to get what you want.  

It's similar to a sports coach. For example, Serena Williams coach is not a better tennis player than her. However, if Serena is trying to serve the ball to a particular spot and she keeps missing it her coach would be able to observe her form and tell her to change her foot placement and tilt of her elbow. Serena still has to do the work and practice, but now she will be able to get her desired result. Whereas before, no matter how hard she worked, her incorrect form was not allowing her to hit the ball where she wanted. 

Likewise, a mindset coach is an outside observer who suggests what thoughts and beliefs you should adjust to get the result you want.

Still unsure, maybe reading some of my testimonials will help.